About Me!

Hey!!  My name is Maura Grogan and I'm a Senior at St. Mike's.  I'm a Computer Science major and Mathematics minor.  I'm from New Jersey and attended Mother Seton Regional High School.

I love attending SMC.  I am part of the Founders Society, VITA, Campus Ministry, and Celtic Knights.  For Founders Society I'm a blogger and love to help out with special events when I can.  I'm on the VITA core team and help to run Taize prayer services once a month.  At mass on Sunday, I am a Student Coordinator, Alter Server, Eucharistic Minister, and Lector.  I'm President of Celtic Knights which is the Irish Step Dancing Club on campus - All levels of dance are welcome!

Some other activities that I do for fun are skiing, attend social events, and going to Burlington.  I'm not one who likes to sit in my room all day and study, study, study.  I love taking advantage of opportunities thrown at me.  I'm always trying to convince people to come with me and attend something which looks exciting.  And being part of the St. Mike's family that usually isn't very hard to do!!

I also studied abroad at Bangor University in the northern part of Wales last year.  I posted about my travels abroad and all the adventures I had.  Be sure to check out some of those posts as well!

I hope you enjoy my blog and let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to know about :-)