Thursday, May 8, 2014

Emotions of a Graduating Senior

So here it is, the final couple of days left living at St. Mike's.  It has definitely become my home over the past four years.  I will definitely miss being at this place everyday.  Anyways here is a photo shoot my friend did one night when my emotions were all over the place.

My friends calls this:

The Woes of Maura
In the wilds of the Upper Room of the Chapel, the subject in question, Maura Grogan, age 22, expresses different stages of emotions in the span of an hour.

Disheveled seniors at the end of a long four years - and we match!! (unplanned)
Saying a goodbye
Not believing people are leaving
"Don't worry, Maura, You'll be fine."
"We still love you!"

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to leave those peoples who have studied,played had fun with us. Like school you can never think to leave school but one day you have too.

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