AHHHHH!!!!! It has finally happened! It is my last semester at St. Mikes. I don't want to leave this place in May. Out of sight, out of mind. Right?
Moving along then...
Last week I started an internship at Systems and Software in Williston, VT. I worked full time before classes started to get trained and my feet wet without more than one thing going on. So far I really like it there! I'm learning a lot and gaining so much experience. Apparently I'm getting rave reviews because today my supervisor was out of the office so these other people stole me to help them out. Don't worry they are allowed to that. One big thing about this company is sharing knowledge and resources. Apparently I'm a resource.
This week started classes. I'm taking three classes along with my internship. I'm taking Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, and Critical Thinking and Communication (aka a business class). I'm really looking forward to some of the projects I get to work on this semester. For example, I get to build a robot in Artificial Intelligence! For my business class, I get to design, market, and sell a product! We'll see how they go. I'll have updates of these more in the second half of the semester when they actually start up.
So someone might say, when do you have a social life? I tell them: on the weekends. It is true. I went away last weekend to St. Anne's Shrine - St. Mike's retreat center - and the weekend before that I went skiing. Here are some pictures from the beautiful clear day:
I do try to get outside on the weekends because it is so nice to be outside. It does make me tired so you can generally find me asleep by 10pm.
I'm really excited for this semester and can't wait for some of the fun times that are planned! It should be a busy semester but a good one.